As St. Jerome – our patron saint – used to say: to translate is to transfer a meaning from one language to another.
Our team of translators have a strong commitment to rendering a faithful translation while striving to achieve the most natural-sounding – i.e., idiomatic – text possible.
It is quite possible that you’ve actually had a document translated by our team in your hands without even knowing it. We have so many loyal clients!
Client Portfolio
Alliance Française de Madrid
Academia de Cine de España
Casa Sefarad-Israel
BNP Paribas Personal Finance
Demipage Services
Eiffage Infraestructuras
Embajada de Francia en España
Espasa Libros (Grupo Planeta)
Fnac España
MC Dilo
Instituto Francés de Madrid
Mas Consulting Group España
Interface Tourism Group
Ortiz Construcciones y Proyectos S.A.
Paramount Comedy Channel España
MTV Channel España
RL Abogados
SGS Group
Ediciones Siruela
DTS, Distribuidora de Tv Digital S.A
TF Editores
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)